quinta-feira, junho 09, 2005

Us Vs. Them

Não por falta do que dizer, mas por não ter como dizer isto de outra maneira.
Hoje é dia de acordar. Como diria o Jesse Michaels - "Smile when your friends are watching!" ; "Unity, unity, unity!!!!"
Bom fds.

Us Vs. Them

All roads lead the same direction
we all see eye to eye
won't stand for a bad connection
we came to keep things tight
prove this, prove that
proving is nothing
let's all just be ourselves
focused with the right aggression
turn to each other for help
people merge on state of mind from all
different walks of life
don't need any more stupid division
don't need to feel uptight

Brother - I'll always look out for you
if I feel it back
Sister - we'll brave the outside world
off the beaten track

When it's us vs. them
you can always count on me
When it's us vs. them
it's a global unity

Open the extended family
the family is growing fast
friendship will transcend the borders
the world is shrinking fast
Cities merge on state of mind
there's nothing wrong with that
don't need any more stupid division
don't fall for their trap

Brother - I'll always look out for you
if I feel it back
Sister - we'll brave the outside world
off the beaten track

When it's us vs. them
you can always count on me
When it's us vs. them
it's a global unity

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